What's This All About Anyways?

The adventures of our beloved Bips' journey from Mrs. Becker's Room 3 to Wesley's house where he'll be vacationing the Summer long.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bips Makes A New Friend In A New House

On Friday, June 8th, our beloved Bips made it safely to his Summer vacation destination: Wesley's house! Bips has a nice view outside a window and hardwood floors that make traveling by purple ball quite exciting!

We learned that as a gerbil, Bips is a nocturnal animal of the desert. That means he's most active at nighttime. And active he's certainly been. Bips runs around, digs, eats, drinks, bites on his pink plastic castle, and rearranges his wood shaving bedding.

Bips has already made a new friend who is very, very curious and keen on Bips. In fact, she did practically nothing else but sit and watch and hang out with Bips for nearly 2 days and nights. Bips' new friend is named Henrietta. She is a cute kitten who lives at Wesley's house. She is also nocturnal --but not from a desert-- and is therefore more active at nighttime.

Wesley's house also has another older cat, Grumbalina, who was mildly welcoming to Bips at first, but has since lost interest in furthering their relationship.

Here's a few pictures of Bips and Henrietta hanging out:

As you can see, they are having fun getting to know one another, smelling each others' smells and such, and Wesley's Mom and Dad decided to put a heavy book on top of Bips' cage so that he is safe and sound and happy.

Though Bips does miss being in Mrs. Becker's Room 3 at Fernwood, he has a very welcome and loving home here and we look forward to sharing more of his adventures and new experiences throughout the Summer.


  1. Dear Bibs,
    It's good to see that you are aquanting yourself to your new home. I see that you made a new friend. That's great! However, I want to give you one word of advice... watch your back and don't trust felines!
    We can't wait to hear about your new adventures and escapades that happen over the summer! TTYL!

  2. Dear Maggie, thank you for your wise words of wisdom! Wesley, his Mama, Dada, and Bips, of course, all share your concern for his safety and comfort. Miss Henrietta the kitten has been widening her range of interests to various windows, bugs, birds and other critters outside, and seems to have gotten accustomed to her new house mate and friend. Thanks for writing.


Feel free to leave your comments, questions, and hello's to Bips. He'd just love to hear from you!